Planting New Churches
We are planting churches in cities, suburbs & rural communities around the world.
Why Plant Churches?
Church planting has been observed as the most effective form of evangelism. Some statisticians have done the sums and worked out that you get more individuals saved through church planting than from any other form of evangelism. However, church planting is not simply a matter of getting a number of individuals saved; it is about the advance of God’s community in the earth. We see in scripture that God has always been interested in having a people, a family.
Through Christ, God has established a new community on the earth, held together by their common commitment to Christ and their common experience of the Holy Spirit. In early Acts, to be saved, therefore, was to be added to this community. Belonging to God’s newly established society was all-important. They were a set-apart people, dwelling together in love and fellowship and committed to serving and blessing their local communities.
“I struggled with depression and had given up hope. But when we walked into this new church, we experienced God’s love in a powerful way. We’ve been involved ever since.”
- Kerry, NYC
Church Planting Residency
Church Plant Residency is developed to train and assist church planting within the United States.
Our Church Planting Residency is a 1-year training initiative intended to rapidly equip primary church plant leaders to start new churches.
This program is church-based, team-driven, and guided by an apostolic team. We believe these methods are integral to the way of biblical church planting. The main elements of the church planting process are Assessment, Specialized Training, Launch Support, and Apostolic Care. The residency includes theological, leadership, and practical training with hands-on experience.
Candidates accepted into the program will participate in a residential training program based at a designated Confluence church. Residents will receive direct feedback from both trans-local and local church leadership. The "DNA" of this local setting will be experienced first-hand and ongoing personal relationships with Confluence leaders are developed.